How To Judge A Political Leader (OPINION)

By Oghenekparobo Ehvwubare

The world is brimming with ambitious political leaders, but sadly very few matchups to the traits of good leadership. In fact, many political leaders appear to be severely lacking in some of the most essential qualities of a good leader, such as integrity and accountability. It’s no coincidence that the word “politician” has many negative connotations. But experience tells us that there is only a handful that comes near to the principles of leadership and shows strong indicators of a successful political leader.

Political leaders are vital they determine the allocation of power and money through governmental policies, establish partnerships with other stakeholders, and make decisions that can have a major effect on a nation’s well-being and its citizens.

Political leadership requires a leader to focus on a country’s long-term betterment, above and beyond any short-term personal gains. Strong political leadership requires a mixture of charm and honesty devoid of selfishness, and the capacity to evaluate a circumstance and make a judgment based on what will be better for the majority.

Above all, leadership in a democratic system needs statesmanship as compared to just becoming a ‘politician’  which implies possessing the honesty and ability to stand up for what is fair, even though it means telling it to power brokers cum greedy bigots.

Who is a political leader?

A person with good political leadership skills will prove to be a successful leader who can easily distinguish between success and failure. A successful leader has a visionary dream and understands how to turn his visions into success stories in the modern world. Some of the skills required to be successful in political leadership.

  1. Good communicator

Until you communicate your vision clearly to your both the lead and the led and tell them the strategy to accomplish the goal, you’ll find it very difficult to get the results you want. To put it simply, if you can’t effectively communicate your message to your people, you can never be a good leader. Words can get people motivated and make them do the unimaginable. If you are making effective use of them, you can also achieve better results.

  1. Honesty and Integrity

Honesty and Integrity are two main elements that make for a strong leader. How do you demand integrity from your supporters if you neglect such qualities? Leaders excel because they hold to their basic principles and convictions, and that won’t be possible without ethics.

iii. Decision maker

A leader should be capable of making the right decision at the right time. Leaders take actions that have a huge effect on people. A leader should think long and hard before taking a decision but stand by it once the decision is made.

  1. Must be able to inspire others

Perhaps the toughest thing a leader to do is convince people to follow them. This will only be done by providing a clear example and encouraging your followers. We look up to them when the going gets tough and see how they. As a leader, you should think optimistically, and your positive attitude should be evident from your actions. A leader should keep cool under strain and retain a degree of encouragement. If you excel in inspiring your colleagues, you will comfortably resolve every obstacle now and in the future.

  1. Must delegate tasks effectively

Focusing on core duties is vital for effective leadership while leaving the rest to others. By this, I mean empowering and delegating tasks to your followers. When you try to micro-manage your followers, lack of trust can grow, and, most significantly, you won’t be willing to work on critical things as you should. Different duties should be delegated among the subordinates and see how they perform. Provide them with all the tools and help they need to attain the target and allow them to bear responsibilities.

VI . Man with a vision and purpose

Influential leaders have intent and vision. Not only can they imagine the future, but they also express their dreams with their supporters. If their fans could see the larger picture, they could understand where they are headed. A strong leader discusses why they are going towards the path that they are heading and reveals the approach and course of action to accomplish the purpose.

A political leader’s first goal should be representing one’s people, not just oneself. Given the reality that politics may be complicated and often messy, a strong leader should balance their actions with what is right for his people and living by the maxim,” the nation before self.” Consequently, a political leader will be able to take severe actions in the interest of the people if required. A leader should be able to recognize unique sector specialists who are confident. More critically, a leader should realize when it is best to believe in authority. Leaders will have the correct expertise to take prompt and reasonable actions based on sound judgment.

A democratic leadership should also recognize the benefits and most importantly, the disadvantages of democracy, and guide, honor, and listen to his supporters while encouraging mutual accountability and team-work. Lastly, a political leader should travel widely, attending important gatherings within the country and outside. This is imperative as the leader will establish valuable networks and expertise with other internationally renowned leaders. To put it in a nutshell, a political leader should have a global perspective.

Oghenekparobo Ehvwubare is the Chairman, Ethiope PDP Federal Ward 11, political communicator and policy advocate writes from Oghara. Could be reached on 07054455869 (sms only)

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