Catholic Clergy Says Humility Distinguishes Christians as Children Of God

ASABA/Nigeria: Rev. Fr. Innocent Nwanunu of the Catholic Church of the Ascension has urged Christians to be humble in all that they do as such distinguishes them as children of God.

Delivering a sermon on Sunday September 1, 2019, at the Catholic Church of the Ascension, Asaba, Delta State, the Priest said Christians should be humble and charitable.

The Holy Mass had the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Malachi Okonkwo who amidst pomp and pageantry, celebrated 10 years in Priesthood as the Chief Celebrant.

“A humble person is the one who is conscious of his weakness and as a Christian, always has it in mind that It does not cost you a thing to be humble but, it cost you a lot to be proud.

God rejects the proud and exalt the humble, there is no gain in living a life of pride and as an individual, ask yourself if your actions depicts humility.

Dear friends in Christ, it pays to be humble, that is the only way God will accept us as His children; He does not accept those who are proud.

Also, be charitable and in being charitable, search your conscience if you are in the categories of those who do good in other to get reward immediately, those who do good in other to get reward later or among those who do good without looking at reward.

What kind of charity do you engage in? Do your charity stand the test of time? The message is simple, simplicity and generosity; charity covers a multitude of sins and you have to give to those who cannot be able to pay you back,” Rev. Fr. Nwanunu said.

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