Can Calls for Level Playing Ground for Male, Female Child As The World Celebrates International Women’s Day

Deaconess Agnes’s Ofugara, Vice Chairperson WOWICAN at the Occasion

By Valerie Oyibo- Itie/Endurance Ikanone

ASABA/Nigeria: Women wing of Christian Association of Nigeria (WOWICAN), Delta State Chapter, calls for a level playing Ground for the Male and Female child, as they mark International Women’s Day today at Sapele.

The women from different churches within and outside Sapele Metropolis gathered at Olympia round about this afternoon and marched through major roads in sapele, displaying placards, creating awareness for the need to give the Female child a level playing ground with their main counterpart in all things as they mark this year’s International Women’s Day.

Speaking with the State Vice Chairperson WOWICAN, at the occasion, Deaconess Agnes’s Ofugara, she said Women should be celebrated, congratulated and encouraged for their roles as nation building and home makers in the society.

Ofugara noted that the girl child should not be discriminated in education, Choice of course of study, in politics and in inheritance.

She opined that they are not calling for equality with Men, but for the opportunity of having a level playing ground in all sphere of life.

In Politics, Ofugara advised that women should register with political parties at the ward and local government levels and vie for elective positions even as she called on all women to support such women in politics.

The Vice Chairperson WOWICAN Delta State, said in so doing, women can exceed the recommended 35% female representation in politics.

Culturally, she advice extended families that discriminate against women in the sharing of inheritance to take a clue from the biblical story of those five sisters that approached Joshua as they crossed into the promised land and demanded for their inheritance since their father did not father a Male child. Joshua took up their issue with God and the Almighty told Joshua to grant the five sisters their request.

This is indicative that God Almighty approves that female child should be considered in sharing of inheritance.

Ofugara said the bias against women should be broken.

This year’s Theme is Gender Equality Today for sustainable Tomorrow was developed by the Chairperson WOWICAN, Lady Roseline Olise, who was unavoidably absent as she went to Abuja to represent the state.

In her write-up, she opined that Gender equality is a condition or state that affords women and men equal enjoyments of human rights, in socially valued goods, opportunities and education.

A state that women voices can be heard, thereby building a more sustainable future for all

She concluded that faith-based organizations such as WOWICAN should be involved in eradicating violence in our homes, society, our environment and the nation at large.

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